Booking Inquiries:


If you want to sound like any other artist other than yourself I do not want to work with you. (DO NOT EMAIL THIS BEFORE READING BELOW (AND THE ABOVE))

Hello Friends,

Please provide a detailed description of what you’re looking to have mixed and your vision for the song or project. We need to hear the song(s) you’d like mixed, so be sure to include a sample.

If your inquiry is vague or your email reads like it was hastily written on your iPhone at the golf course, we won’t respond. Don’t take it personally if you don’t get a reply—we’re either too busy or it’s simply not the right fit. Blessings.

2025 Update from Jeff:

Only about 4% of people actually follow the above instructions. I can only work on a limited number of select projects each year because, well, I’m just one human. Do you really think I’d be interested in working with someone who can’t show enough respect for me—or their own art—to provide at least a vague description of what they’ve created?

Nearly every email I get looks something like this:
“Hey bro, I’m 19, just finished my first EP. Do you wanna mix it? What are your rates? K thx bye.”

I take extreme pleasure in ignoring poorly written emails. I’m not an overly kind person in this regard, so please manage your expectations.

Furthermore, for the delusional ones: realize you’re reaching out to one of the top music mixers in the world. (Sorry, there’s no way to write that without sounding egotistical.) As such, you will require a rather large budget for me to even consider your project. Yes, life is cruel and unfair—if your mom didn’t already tell you that. If you’re unsure of how much budget is required for a top-tier mixer, try consulting ChatGPT.

Thank you, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Also, we’re not looking for interns, assistants, or anything in that capacity, and I don’t want to meet up for coffee so you can “pick my brain.” I prefer to spend my spare time watching reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation alone, with my dog, Murphy.